Ashton Bradley

University of Otago, New Zealand

I am an asssociate professor of physics at the University of Otago, New Zealand. My group's work spans multiple disciplines of theoretical and mathematical physics, including condensed matter, degenerate gases, hydrodynamics, atomic physics, quantum optics and quantum information.

vortex correlation
We develop a rigorous formulation of the spectral density problem with formal and numerical advantages. It can be used to calculate accurate spectral densities and correlation functions for compressible and incompressible velocity fields. We resolve a long standing problem in quantum turbulence linking classical turbulence measures and energy densities in quantum fluids.


Sukla Pal goes to Nottingham

Sukla Pal is going to a research fellow position at the University of Nottingham. All the best for your new research!

Assistant Professor Xiaoquan Yu

Xiaoquan Yu got a faculty job at Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics in Beijing. Congrats!

Marsden Success

Our Marsden Grant Making, Probing, and Understanding Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence was successful!

Supported By

Marsden Fund, Quantum Science Otago